Re: [Salon] William Arkin: CIA Is Playing "Outsize Role" in Ukraine Despite Biden Pledge Not to Send U.S. Forces - YouTube

And here is my comment added to this which took me breaking this into 3 parts to get it to go through, which was due to including the Democracy Now link:

Arkin’s words take a far too benign view of the U.S./CIA “clandestine war” against Russia so that it amounts to “perception management,” (which is why it was permitted to be published by the CIA, in my opinion) but they’re revealing for what is actual U.S. war policy against Russia, identical to what we have so often done in our history as “clandestine war” with the objective of “conquest” concealed under the more innocuous “regime change” or coup” label.

William Arkin: CIA Is Playing "Outsize Role" in Ukraine Despite Biden Pledge Not to Send U.S. Forces - YouTube William Arkin: CIA Is Playing "Outsize Role" in Ukraine Despite Biden Pledge Not to Send U.S. Forces
 But Juan Gonzalez isn’t fooled, as can be seen with his questions.

So all that is self-evident, to anyone who knows even a smidgeon of "U.S. Perpetual Warfighting” theory and history, to especially include CIA/US SpecOps,  as “clandestine war,” as Trump and Netanyahu waged against Iran. And as Trump, Pompeo, Ukrainian and Polish fascists, under Duda, et al., did, and do (will, in the case of Trump if he gets reelected, notwithstanding his campaign lies and deceptions) against Russia. With both Trump and his opponents dissembling “facts" of what Trump and Pompeo were actually doing in waging war as a “Low-Intensity Conflict,” to conceal for as long as possible that we were were engaged in “regime change” against Russia for its “anti-access threat” (DOD lingo/lies) 

From the Newsweek article: 
"There is a clandestine war, with clandestine rules, underlying all of what is going on in Ukraine," says a Biden administration senior intelligence official who also spoke with Newsweek. The official, who is directly involved in Ukraine policy planning, requested anonymity to discuss highly classified matters. The official (and numerous other national security officials who spoke to Newsweek) say that Washington and Moscow have decades of experience crafting these clandestine rules, necessitating that the CIA play an outsize role: as primary spy, as negotiator, as supplier of intelligence, as logistician, as wrangler of a network of sensitive NATO relations and perhaps most important of all, as the agency trying to ensure the war does not further spin out of control.

"Don't underestimate the Biden administration's priority to keep Americans out of harm's way and reassure Russia that it doesn't need to escalate," the senior intelligence officer says. "Is the CIA on the ground inside Ukraine?" he asks rhetorically. "Yes, but it's also not nefarious.” (TP-waging clandestine war isn’t “nefarious?)
. . . .
"Intelligence experts say this war is unique in that the United States is aligned with Ukraine, yet the two countries are not allies. And though the United States is helping Ukraine against Russia, it is not formally at war with that country. Thus, much of what Washington does to aid Ukraine is kept secret–and much of what is normally in the realm of the U.S. military is being carried out by the Agency. Everything that is done, including work inside Ukraine itself, must comply with limits established by Biden.

"It's a tricky balancing act—the CIA being very active in the war while not contradicting the Biden administration's central pledge, which is that there are no American boots on the ground," says a second senior intelligence official who was granted anonymity to speak with Newsweek.
"For the CIA, its major role in the war in Ukraine has provided a boost in morale after the sour relationship between former President Donald Trump and his spy chiefs. The second official says that while some in the Agency want to speak more openly about its renewed significance, that is not likely to happen. "The corporate CIA worries that too much bravado about its role could provoke Putin," the intelligence official says.” 
But see this:, and other materials on the Koch brothers creation Mike Pompeo I will provide, and of his and Trump’s war against Russia."

On Jul 20, 2023, at 3:14 PM, Todd Pierce via Salon <> wrote:

Hope this goes through this time:

A new investigation reveals the extent of the CIA's involvement in the war in Ukraine, where the agency operates clandestinely in what, under a formal declaration of war, would be the domain of the military. We're joined on the show by the author of the investigation, William Arkin, a national security reporter and senior editor at Newsweek, who says that the CIA has "got its hand in a little bit of everything" in Ukraine. According to various sources, the CIA is shuttling weapons into Ukraine using a "gray fleet" of commercial aircraft that crisscrosses Central and Eastern Europe, sending personnel into Ukraine on secret missions and assisting Ukrainians with new weapons and systems, all while using Poland as its clandestine hub to coordinate its operations inside the country. At the same time, the U.S.'s nonaligned status appears to place a limit on its intelligence, keeping it in the dark on both Zelensky and Putin's next moves.

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